program Description
We are proud to bring high-quality music education programs to the Broadway Elementary School community after school!
Elemental @ Broadway is specifically for the Broadway Elementary School community and students must be enrolled at Broadway in order to participate. All classes meet on the Broadway campus. No additional aftercare will be provided by Elemental Music after rehearsal ends.
Broadway Strings is for students in grades 3–4, and the perfect way for eager students to learn the violin, viola, or cello - no prior experience required!
Broadway Orchestra is for students in grades 3–5 who have previously participated in Broadway string classes or have approximately one year of playing experience. In addition to the large ensemble rehearsals, students will break into sectionals, where they receive personalized instruction in small groups - all while working on fun pieces in a social setting!
In Broadway Singers for grades K–2 and Broadway Chorus for grades 3–5, students will learn how to sing exciting choral music in a variety of styles, all while building their musicianship and developing a strong foundation for their vocal technique. Signups for kindergartners will open in mid-August, at the start of the school year.
Schedule & Tuition
Broadway Singers for grades K–2 will be offered on Tuesdays from 1:45–3:15 pm.
Broadway Chorus for grades 3–5 will be offered on Wednesdays from 2:45–4:15 pm.
Broadway Beginning Strings (violin, viola, cello) for grades 3–4 will be offered Thursdays from 2:45–4:45 pm.
Broadway Orchestra (violin, viola, cello) for grades 4–5 will meet on Thursdays from 2:45-4:45 pm. Students who have either already completed the beginning class, or have approximately 1 year of private violin or cello instruction are eligible.
Tuition for choir programs is $975. Tuition for string programs is $1,295. Participation is a year-long commitment and tuition covers rehearsals and concerts for the entire school year.
Early Bird Discount for those who enroll by June 1: $50
Non-refundable deposit of $250 is due upon enrollment.
Tuition reduction is available on a sliding scale. Our Tuition Reduction Form is short & sweet. Please submit your form ASAP so we can help determine a family-friendly tuition rate for you and start making music! Payment plans are also available.
Students must be enrolled at Broadway in order to participate.
There are 10 open spots in Broadway Singers for kindergartners. The first 10 kindergarten students to sign up will have the opportunity to enroll after a short assessment. Sign-ups will open at 8:00 am on August 14 and sign-ups will close at 12:00 pm on August 18. Click here for kindergarten sign-ups.
Students interested in Broadway Chorus may sign up by August 18 to join our waitlist.
No prior experience or audition is required to join our beginning string program at Broadway. New students interested in being placed in our intermediate Broadway Orchestra may need to do an ensemble placement in early September with our staff. String sign-ups are rolling until classes begin.
Classes will begin in the week of September 23.
Please contact the following directors with any questions:
Broadway Singers & Broadway Chorus: Kelly Adams
Broadway Strings: Fang Fang Xu
Broadway Orchestra: Josephine Moerschel
““More than just a music program, we feel that [Elemental Music is] building a community of families. The staff is caring and wonderful. Our child has benefited so much from being in this program and what they have learned will be with them for a lifetime.””
If you would like to speak with our Translation Liaison to answer questions and provide information in Spanish, please email Juanita Devis. You can also visit our Spanish website for more information!
Si usted desea hablar con nuestra Traductora Intermediaria para que responda sus preguntas y reciba la información en español, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Juanita Devis. ¡También puede visitar nuestra página de internet en español para más información!
Useful Downloads
Parent Handbook
Tuition Reduction Form
Broadway Strings & Orchestra Google Calendar
Broadway Strings & Orchestra Supply List/Calendar PDF
Broadway Singers (K–2) Google Calendar
Broadway Singers Supply List/Calendar PDF
Broadway Chorus (3–5) Google Calendar
Broadway Chorus Supply List/Calendar PDF