Elemental Music is thrilled to launch our Early Childhood Music program in 2024/25! Music classes are SO important for babies and young children. Why?

Listening and participating in musical activities from an early age stimulates the brain and improves a child’s cognitive brain functioning. This includes developmental skills such as fine and gross motor control, language development, auditory perception, memory, and attention.

Music classes also engage connection, communication, imagination, creativity, and bring joy to all who participate!

Email Program Director Sherry Luchette for more information and with questions!

Schedule & Classes

Our classes meet on Thursdays at the Elemental Music campus (1906 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica). Each class is a 12-week unit.

Fall unit: September 19–December 12
Winter unit: January 9–March 27
Spring unit: April 3–June 26


Baby Music Makers
ages 4–12 months

*Class requires participation from a parent/caregiver and children who are not yet walking independently.*

The Baby Music Makers class is a wonderful opportunity for babies and parent/caregivers to bond through musical experiences including rhymes, singing, musical massage, lullabies, bouncing, swaying, and floor and lap activities. Emphasis is on steady beat and pulse exercises to develop a sense of balance and timing, while singing and rhymes engages babies in the very beginnings of their language development. Register here >


Toddler Music Shakers
1–3 years old

*Class requires participation from a parent/caregiver and stable, independent walking from your child.*

The Toddler Music Shakers class offers children and their parent/caregivers an opportunity to continue building strong emotional bonds and cognitive skills (motor skills, attention, memory & auditory perception). This is done through movement, singing, puppets, and playing instruments, with particular attention paid to beat, rhythm, and listening skills. More independent activities will be introduced to engage creativity and socialization. Register here >


Young Child Music Builders
3–5 years old

*Class requires children who are comfortable attending class without their parent/caregiver present in the room. (Parents can attend the first few classes for transition if needed.)*

The Young Child Music Builders class supports the continued growth of your child’s cognitive skills (motor skills, attention, memory, & auditory perception) through more complex musical games, stories and play. This includes movement, expanded instrument play, music stories, singing, echoing, improvisation, and rhythm activities. Foundational musical skills such as tempo, dynamics, pitch matching, and meter are introduced through various songs and musical activities. Register here >


Elementary Music Creators
5–7 years old

*Class requires children who are comfortable attending class without their parent/caregiver present in the room. (Parents can attend the first few classes for transition if needed.)*

In the Elementary Music Creators class, students have the opportunity to begin playing and singing as an ensemble with a wide array of pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments. Movement, songs, music stories, ensemble dances and improvisation are emphasized. Students will learn the beginnings of rhythmic and pitch notation and literacy, identify melodic and rhythmic patterns, and continue to hone their pitch matching and ear-training skills. Students will also have an opportunity to give an ensemble performance. This music readiness class prepares students who will be studying an instrument privately and/or participating in band, orchestra or choir. Register here >

Tuition & Enrollment

Baby Music Makers: $384/unit or billed in 4-week sessions at $34/class
Toddler Music Shakers: $384/unit
Young Child Music Builders: $420/unit
Elementary Music Makers: $420/unit

We offer a sibling discount of 5% off the total cost of enrollment.

Tuition reduction is available on a very limited basis. Please apply here.

If you would like to speak with our Translation Liaison to answer questions and provide information in Spanish, please email Juanita Devis. You can also visit our Spanish website for more information!

Si usted desea hablar con nuestra Traductora Intermediaria para que responda sus preguntas y reciba la información en español, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Juanita Devis. ¡También puede visitar nuestra página de internet en español para más información!