Volunteer Spotlight: Julie Kim

Elemental Music would not be the same without the many passionate volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to support our young musicians and our programs.

We want to recognize some of our superstar volunteers who help make our programs possible through their generosity of time, talent, and spirit…and plain old hard work! 

Today, we're excited to shine a light on Julie Kim, who is a current Academy Philharmonic parent. Though Julie may be very humble in her interview, she is truly an invaluable volunteer! As our resident merch maven, she has inventoried our merchandise and led merch sales at our concerts as well as co-led a major fundraiser through our gala with fellow volunteer Tony Huynh! Her warmth and sense of humor make her a joy to be around, and through our programs, she has found a rewarding way to give back to the community and connect with new people.

Let’s dive into her story!

Elemental Music: How did you first become involved in volunteering with Elemental Music?

Julie Kim: I am a relatively recent volunteer with Elemental Music. My first volunteering experience was at the 2023 Spring concert, selling merchandise. Shout out to fellow mom volunteer Mila Vecore, who was a queen at retrieving T-shirts and sweatshirts in various sizes while I handled payments.

EM: With so many commitments in life, why did you choose to carve out time for volunteering?

JK: I wanted to show my support and gratitude for Elemental Music’s hardworking teachers and staff, who really rely on volunteers. Once I started volunteering, it felt natural to keep going, especially because the time commitment is bite-sized. Finally, I love meeting new people, and volunteering is a fun and organic way to do so.

EM: If you could have any super power while volunteering, who would it be and why?

JK: I wish I could sort and fold Elemental Music merchandise (especially those dang T-shirts) using only my mind. This power would also be extremely useful during laundry time at home.

EM: What makes Elemental Music special to you?

JK: A few reasons come to mind. First, I don’t think I would have started volunteering had I not witnessed the positive impact Elemental Music has had on my daughter, who plays violin. She enjoys being part of the orchestra and has improved so much, which makes her feel proud. Second, I think the families and teachers of Elemental Music are a lovely community bound by their love of children and music. Third, Elemental Music is committed to giving children of all backgrounds access to music education. As a child of immigrants, this commitment really resonates with me.

EM: Could you share a memorable moment while volunteering for Elemental Music?

JK: A memorable moment was volunteering with fellow parent Tony Huynh at the Tasting Notes gala. We oversaw the Wine Wall where people could blindly pick a bottle of wine for a flat price. Because the wines varied in value, there was potential to acquire a bottle that was worth more than they had paid. The excitement when a guest picked a high-value bottle made me feel like a dealer at a casino! Major shout out to Tony for hustling to get guests to try the Wine Wall!

EM: Do you have a favorite volunteer area with Elemental Music?

JK: Not really. I have only done merch sales, merch organizing and the Wine Wall at the gala. I am happy to do whatever Elemental Music needs as long as my schedule allows.  

EM: If you could choose one area to volunteer next time, what would it be? Why?

JK: Maybe something that is social and fun for parents while also being a fundraiser for Elemental Music. Parenting is hard and we need more fun! 

EM: How has volunteering helped you connect with others, or build relationships within your community?

JK: I really enjoy working with fellow volunteers at events. They are always so friendly and eager to help. I may not see them again until the next concert, but that’s okay! I go home having met a few more of the wonderful people that make up the Elemental Music community. Volunteering has also allowed me to witness how hard the Elemental Music team and board members work behind the scenes. I don’t know how connected they feel to me, but I sure feel connected to them! Ooh, now I sound like a stalker.

EM: What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering but doesn't feel like they have enough time or resources to do so?

JK: Thus far, my volunteering for Elemental Music has been event-based chunks of time, which makes volunteering much less daunting. If you have an extra couple of hours you can spare, great! If not, that’s okay!  

Sometimes people wonder if volunteering for a couple hours or contributing in other ways is all that meaningful. I’m here to tell you that every contribution of time or other resource is meaningful. Your efforts will be appreciated by the hardworking Elemental Music team, who can’t run their amazing organization without volunteers. I promise I will also appreciate you!  But silently because I can be shy.

Interested in getting involved as a volunteer with our programs? Email Juanita Devis for more information!