Teacher Feature: Brendon Grabowski

We have a lot of incredible people teaching for our programs, and while our students get to work with them every week, we know that our wider community might not know them!

As we celebrate our season of firsts, we thought it would be fun to celebrate a teacher who is in their first season of teaching with Elemental Music! This year, we are thrilled to have Brendon Grabowski teaching in our ever-growing Elemental Guitar program. Read more to learn about Brendon and his first season teaching with us!

EM: How did you get started playing your instrument?

BG: I started guitar when I was four years old, when I was given a little guitar for Christmas. I self-taught until 17 years old.

EM: What inspired you to teach guitar in addition to performing?

BG: I love the challenge of having to articulate difficult concepts well. It’s also very satisfying to see a young person work very hard and diligently over a period of time, and to see it amount to them doing something very well at the end. It is truly special to see that!

EM: Guitar can be a solitary instrument when students are just starting to learn it. What do you love about teaching guitar ensemble rather than just private lessons?

BG: In taking part with an ensemble, you develop a very wonderful ability to listen to others while you play. Every musician has a different and unique voice, and it is great to see them all come together for a common goal.

EM: What is one of your favorite musical memories?

BG: I’m fortunate enough to say that my favorite musical memory is recurring. Waking up and getting to play guitar while I drink my coffee. I have lived this day many times!

EM: If you could give our students one piece of advice, musical or otherwise, what would it be?

BG: The greatest skill to build is discipline. Nearly everybody has the ability for genius. It is just a matter of who does the most focused work that separates the good from the great.

EM: Is there anything else you'd like to add, that you think might be interesting for our community?

BG: I’m honored to be part of a community that takes music so seriously, and where the love and enthusiasm for it are bountiful! It makes me love my job very much!