Celebrating Elemental Guitar Director Mak Grgić’s Grammy Nomination!

One of the things that makes Elemental Music such a fantastic place for young musicians to launch their musical studies is that we have amazing musicians and educators teaching in our programs.

One of those people is our Elemental Guitar Director Mak Grgić. Our Elemental Guitar program has expanded tremendously under Mak’s dedicated leadership…and all the while, he has a busy career as a world class artist who has performed on some of the world’s greatest stages.

This year, Mak is celebrating his first Grammy nomination under the Best Classical Instrumental Solo category! We’re so proud of him and will be cheering him on when the GRAMMY ceremony happens in April. Mak took some time to tell us more about the record, what it felt like to be nominated, and more!

Elemental Music: Can you tell us a little bit about the album?

Mak Grgić: Mak|Bach represents a continuation of the exploration of microtonality captured on a previous MicroFest album called MAKrotonal, which is a collection of new music concluding with Bach's famous Chaconne in D Minor.

On Mak|Bach I play a guitar with individual sliding frets that are tuned to a keyboard temperament designed by Johann Kirnberger, a composer who lived with the Bach family while studying with Johann Sebastian. Kirnberger wrote, "Each key has its own special degrees and intervals through which it receives its own character, its own impression, both in the harmony and melody.”

This temperament heightens harmonic drama and tension, thereby finding new shades of familiar colors and restoring a depth and vibrancy missing from most recordings which use the modern equal temperament of the standard-fretted guitar.

EM: Is this your first Grammy nomination? Can you describe what it felt like when you found out that your record had been selected?

MG: Yes, this is my first Grammy nomination. The elegant answer would be that it felt rewarding, but in truth I was so excited that I couldn't even speak properly. I remember pacing around rapidly in disbelief and calling everyone I could think of to call in that moment to tell them the news.

EM: When did you record the music and what was that process like?

MG: The music was recorded in the fall before the pandemic in the same space belonging to Peter Mandell and Sarah Coade Mandell, where Martin Chalifour and I once did a benefit concert for Elemental Music.

The detail and care we put into creating this album made it a two-year process, not counting all the research behind the concept of a "well-tempered guitar"–and it was very much worth it! The album offers an array of world-premiere performances of major works by J.S. Bach on a well-tempered guitar.

EM: How can people listen to your record?

MG: Here are a couple of ways that you can listen to Mak|Bach - The Well-Tempered Guitar:

Soundcloud Link
YouTube (Short Video) Link
YouTube (Long Video) Link
KXLU Interview Link

Tune into the 64th Annual Grammy Awards on April 3, 2022 to support Mak. We’ll be rooting for him!