Volunteer Feature: John Jericiau

Elemental Music would not be the same without the many passionate volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to support our young musicians and our programs.

Today, we are featuring Elemental Music parent John Jericiau. John was instrumental (yes, pun intended!) in getting our 2022 Bidding for Good auction off the ground, putting in hours and hours of time and effort to get the event ready to go live. With John’s help, we were able to raise nearly $10,000 in the auction to support our music education programs. Wow! We’re so grateful. Read more about John’s volunteer story below!

Elemental Music: Tell us how you first got involved with Elemental Music.

John Jericiau: My good friend Elisabeth Ward (note: a former Elemental Music board member!) suggested I try enrolling my middle son in Elemental Choir. I hadn't even heard about the program, but after a few sessions, my son and I were hooked! Not only was my son enjoying the group and making friends, but his singing actually improved! I would have to peek in the rearview mirror to the back seat of the car while he was belting out show tunes, just to be sure that it was actually him singing!

EM: What inspired you to volunteer with us?

JJ: The Elemental Music staff is always giving so much of their time and energy in class. My youngest son started as a hesitant violinist; in his first couple of classes I wasn't quite sure that he would want to continue. His instructor Erin gave me a call on her own time and devised a plan to show him the fun side of music. We have never looked back. Now he looks forward to class every week. I was so inspired by Erin’s desire to share her love of music; volunteering was one way this Dad who plays no instrument and carries no tune could give back.

EM: In your opinion, what is the most important work that Elemental Music does?

JJ: Elemental Music provides easy access to learning music, with its wide array of after-school classes at convenient locations across our school district. On top of that, they work hard to make it affordable.

EM: Do you have a story about music education and Elemental Music that really moved you?

JJ: This year my 3rd grader has been working on his violin and making good progress. His Prelude classmates and he were lucky enough to each be assigned a mentor (high school musician) who could meet weekly via Zoom to help them with any skills that they were finding difficult. One week I overheard my son's mentor giving my son a pep talk about the joys and benefits of being able to produce beautiful music with the violin. It was such an inspiring pep talk, I even wanted to try violin! I was so moved by his emotions and the way that he was trying to share his love of music with my son.

EM: What do you do when you aren't volunteering with Elemental Music?

JJ: I am a Stay at Home Dad who, when not making beds or lunches, volunteers on the PTA at the three SMMUSD schools that my boys attend (past PTA President here)! If I'm not doing that, you can find me running ten miles on the bike path or swimming a couple of miles at the swim center.