Saying Goodbye to Mak Grgic

After seven seasons of growing and leading our Elemental Guitar program, EG Director Mak Grgic is off to his next big adventure.

Mak’s leadership was invaluable in bringing this program to life. What started as a small ensemble of 5 students back in 2015 has grown to an average enrollment of 30 students annually, bringing the joys of ensemble playing to young guitarists in our community for years. Before the season ends, we spoke with him about his time with Elemental Guitar, his plans for the future, and more!

Elemental Music: How did you first get involved with Elemental Music and what was it like starting EG from the ground up?

Mak Grgic: When I first joined Elemental Music, I was almost at the end of my doctoral studies at USC and was looking for a job to settle with in LA. My mentor at the time forwarded the email from Josephine Moerschel, with a call for applications for a new director of a new guitar program. The program wasn't yet in existence, and I absolutely love building things from the ground up, so it seemed like the perfect fit. My experience teaching kids was slim, apart from the extensive outreach work that I did for the Da Camera Society at the time. So, starting off was rough – many people don't understand this, but give a kid a guitar, and you won't be able to have that kid sit peacefully and listen. The plucking, the strumming, the rock'n'rolling all comes with the territory, and it took us a while to establish a good flow and respectful rapport. But, we succeeded!

EM: Do you have a favorite Elemental Guitar memory?

MG: More than a memory, I have a favorite set of moments – moments that showed the trust that some of the families bestowed upon me, and the worth they have seen in me not only as a teacher, but a mentor and friend to the family. It means the world to me (shedding a tear while I write this) that I have become such a vital part of the growth of some of these kids, seeing them develop from early pluckers to mature young virtuosos.

EM: Where are you off to now that you're leaving Elemental Guitar?

MG: I accepted a tenure track job offer from the University of South Carolina! The school was looking for someone to lead their guitar department, and in a similar capacity as I joined the Elemental Music program, I now look forward to joining the music faculty and culture there where they are already devoted to preparing forward-thinking students among the community of musicians. I have never been fully involved in a university department before, but given that such a big part of this new job is just to be myself, it's something I am looking forward to.

EM: You've planted the seeds for this program to flourish so wonderfully. Do you have any dreams for EG in the future?

MG: I would love to see this program continue growing and being of valuable service to the community. In addition to this, I enjoy thinking that there is an opportunity for kids to learn guitar in an ensemble capacity, which is a very rare thing to have around. Playing guitar is such a lonely start – having the ability to mix the social aspects of music, learning about mutual respect through music, and learning about music is just gold. Ultimately, I hope this guitar learning model becomes an inspiration to other educational institutions around the country.

EM: Any parting words of advice for our young guitarists?

MG: Keep plucking! Oh, and practice ;)

EM: How can our families keep up with what you're doing after you move?

MG: I aim to be actively present on social media, and my schedule is always posted on my website (, however for just being in touch with any questions I am always available and just a phone call away!

We’ll miss you, Mak! Thank you for all you brought to Elemental Music!