Welcoming Kenneth Burgomaster to our Board of Directors

We are excited to introduce you to our newest board member, Kenneth Burgomaster!

As a professional musician, he brings a wealth of experience and passion to our organization. We are lucky to have him on our Board of Directors, helping us continue to build community through music education!


Elemental Music: What kind of role did music play in your life growing up?

Kenneth Burgomaster: My parents are both professional organists, and my mom taught music in high school and college and gave private piano lessons at home. My dad was a cathedral choirmaster in both Buffalo, NY and Indianapolis, IN. I grew up singing in the choir and had the opportunity not only to perform a diverse collection of repertoire but to sing in some of the most awe-inspiring churches in the world while touring England and Europe. We had a music room in the house that not only included a grand piano, but several percussion instruments and a tape recorder which led to my fascination with electronic music and the synthesizer. I studied classical piano from a young age and eventually became interested in jazz, funk and rock. In high school I also played percussion/timpani in the marching band, wind ensemble and with the Youth Symphony of Indianapolis.

I continued performing in college and majored in piano/composition, eventually becoming a full-time professional musician and composer. It’s difficult to remember any part of my life that wasn’t involved in music in some way…

EM: How has your experience with music education continued to impact your life?

KB: Of course I couldn’t have succeeded without my teachers, and I count each one of them as influential going all the way back to community music school at age 5. I remember them all! I’m still learning and attend concerts regularly for inspiration. I’ve also taught master classes on film/tv scoring at several schools including UCLA, Eastman, University of Rochester, Kenyon College, Cal State Channel Islands and Indiana University/Purdue University in Indianapolis (IUPUI).

EM: How did you first get involved with Elemental Music?

KB: My daughter Audrey played cello briefly in Elemental Strings in the 5th grade while attending SMASH in Santa Monica. Then earlier this year my friend and board member Arati Desai Wagabaza reached out and asked about some fundraising possibilities, and mentioned that I might be a good fit to join the board.

EM: What inspired you to join our board?

KB: I realized that this was something I could really support, and have been looking for a way to get involved in music education beyond my various teaching opportunities. And I was impressed with Dr. Jo, Brian Driscoll, and the rest of the board and their dedication to such a vibrant community of students, parents and teachers.

EM: Is there anything else you would like to add?

KB: I attended an Elemental Music concert at JAMS earlier this year and was very impressed with the students, teachers, presentation, etc. I know it wasn’t easy to do, especially after such a trying couple of years. I’m looking forward to being involved and to the next concert!

Read more about our board members HERE!