Resource List for Covid-19 Crisis

Resources for families impacted by school and work closures due to COVID-19 

Recursos para familias afectadas por el cierre de las escuelas y trabajos debido al COVID-19

Please note this list is by no means exhaustive. However, we do hope that it is helpful for as many people as possible. Please feel free to share, and if there are other things that can/should be included, please let us know

Les estoy escribiendo para hacerles saber que hemos puesto una lista con referencias para los que hayan sido afectados por el cierre de las escuelas desde el 19 de Marzo del 2020.

LA Times article (March 17, 2020) lists many resources that may be of help.

Laist article (March 20, 2020) also has a very in-depth list of resources.

SMMUSD Free Lunches for district students

Children enrolled in any SMMUSD school or program will be able to pick up free breakfast and lunch from 7 to 9 a.m. at the following schools: Santa Monica High School, McKinley Elementary, Will Rogers Learning Community in Santa Monica and Webster Elementary in Malibu. SMMUSD families may go to any of these schools even if not enrolled there. All students under the age of 18 will be served. A parent or guardian must be present, except high school students may participate on their own. We are providing grab-and-go bagged meals.

Todos los niños que están registrados en las escuelas de SMMUSD, pueden pasar a recibir su almuerzo gratis de 7-9 a.m. en las siguientes escuelas: Santa Monica High School, McKinley Elementary, Will Rogers Learning Community en Santa Monica y en la escuela de Webster Elementary en Malibu.Las familias pueden pasar a cualquiera de estas escuelas aunque no pertenezcan a ellas.  A todos los estudiantes menores de 18 años se les dará el almuerzo gratis. Deben de ser acompañados por un padre o tutor, exepto los estudiantes de High School, ellos pueden ir sin su padre o tutor, estamos proporcionando comidas embolsadas para llevar.

LAUSD Free Lunches

LAUSD, in partnership with the Red Cross, has 60 Grab and Go Food Centers around Los Angeles. Hours are 7:00am to 10:00am.  “Our intent is to serve children, but if adults ask, we will offer, and we’re going to serve those in need,” Superintendent Beutner said. “These are not ordinary days. ... Our goal is to help as many as we can.”

Internet Essentials from Comcast Internet accesible de Comcast

*Please check eligibility as there are many requirements

*Por favor revise si es elegible.

As our country continues to manage the COVID-19 emergency, Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect low-income families to the Internet at home. New Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet service, which is available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month plus tax. Apply by April 30, 2020.

Como nuestro pais continua trabajando con las emergencias del COVID-19, Comcast esta ayudando inmediatamente a las familias de bajos recursos para que tengan acceso al internet en casa. Todas las nuevas familias que apliquen y califiquen recibiran 2 meses gratis de servicio de internet. Se debe aplicar antes del 30 de Abril del 2020.

Venice Family Clinic - Free Food Market

VFC hosts a free food market twice a month. For more information, please call 310-664-7525.

Meals on Wheels West

Meals on Wheels offers meals to homebound residents of Santa Monica, who are unable to shop or cook for themselves. Please visit the website or call 310-394-5133.

St. Joseph Center Pantry

Please contact their Food Pantry at 310-396-6468 ext. 313 to make an initial appointment. After you register, you will be able to come to the Food Pantry on a weekly basis and have access to a range of other St. Joseph Center programs.

Westside Food Bank

This nonprofit maintains a list of food pantries on the westside, last updated 3/20/20. Please call the pantry you wish to visit before showing up, to ensure they are still open during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Makers Mark Restaurant Workers Relief Program

 Starting on March 19, in partnership with Maker’s Mark we will turn 6610 Melrose Ave into a relief center for any restaurant worker who has been laid off or has had a significant reduction in hours and/ or pay. We are offering help for those in dire need of food and supplies. Each night, we will pack hundreds of to-go dinners that people can come to pick up and take home. Dinners are offered on a first come first serve basis. Limit 2 to a person unless there is an emergency situation. We will limit how much any one person can take of these supplies, but they will be handed out free to those in need.  We will continue to offer this program throughout the quarantine period or until we can no longer financially support the program.

We will also have supplies on hand for those in need: Diapers, wipes, baby food, non-perishable canned foods and cereals, toilet paper, and Tylenol.

A partir del 19 de Marzo, nos asociaremos con Maker's Mark, estaremos en el 6610 Melrose Ave. en un centro de ayuda para todos los trabajadores de resturantes que han sido descansados o han reducido sus horas de trabajo o reducido su sueldo. Estamos ofreciendo ayuda a los que necesiten comida y cosas básicas. Cada noche empacaremos cientos de comidas para llevar para que las personas pasen y se las lleven a su casa. La cena sera ofrecida a como vayan llegando. Límite de 2 por persona almenos que estén en una situación de emergencia, será  para aquellos que lo necesiten. Vamos a seguir ofreciendo este programa de comida por todo el periodo de la cuarentena o hasta que ya no podamos apoyar financieramente el programa.

También tendremos algunas cosas más para aquellos que lo necesiten: Diapers, wipes, comida para bebé, comidas enlatadas, cereales, papel higiénico, y Tylenol.

Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE) Fund

CORE is a national non profit organization that grants support to families with children who work in the food & beverage service industry and are experiencing crises or catastrophes. We understand that the current crisis across the nation has put tremendous strain on the F&B community. Due to the large demand and scope of COVID-19/Coronavirus, at this time, CORE can only support those f&b service employees who have tested POSITIVE for COVID-19/Coronavirus and have a child living in the home. If you have tested positive and have medical documentation, please continue with this application. All regular applications unrelated to COVID-19/Coronavirus will also be accepted at this time.

Es una organización sin fines de lucro que ayuda economicámente a los que tienen hijos y trabajan  en la industria de comidas y bebidas que están pasando por crisis, entendemos que esto está afectando alrededor de nuestra nación y  a afectado tremendamente a la comunidad de comidas y bebidas. Debido a la gran demanda y el contagio del COVID-19/Coronavirus, en estos momentos CORE puede ayudar a los trabajadores de comidas y bebidas que han sido POSITIVOS por COVID-19/Coronavirus y tienen hijos viviendo en casa. Si has sido positivo  y tienes documentos medicos de los estudios, por favor continua con esta aplicacion. Todas las aplicaciones que no sean relacionas con el COVI-19/Coronavirus también seran aceptadas en estos momentos.

United States Bartenders’ Guild (USBG) National Charity Foundation

Emergency grants for bartenders, their spouse, or child. Program defines a “Bartender” as an individual employed in serving beverages or otherwise engaged in the production, promotion or distribution of alcoholic beverages. An individual is considered “employed” as a Bartender if, for not less than one year prior to the application, the individual performed services as a Bartender on a regular full- or part-time basis or, if the catastrophic event or emergency hardship giving rise to the application prevents the individual from performing such services, for not less than one year prior to the event or hardship the individual performed services as a Bartender on a regular full- or part-time basis.

Ayuda económica de Emergencia para bartenders, para sus esposos(as) e hijos. El programa se refiere a "Bartender" como un individuo empleado en servir bebidas o algo relacionado a la produccion, promocion o distribucion de bebidas alcoholicas. Un individuo es considerado "empleado" como Bartender, cuando ha estado trabajando por mas de un año despues de haber sido contratado, el individuo ofrece sus servicios como Bartender en un horario regular de tiempo completo o de medio tiempo.

California Restaurant Association Grant

Restaurants Care is currently evaluating grant requests from California restaurant workers who have been impacted by the coronavirus in one of two ways: 1) If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have medical certification or 2) If you have been you've been medically quarantined and have certification

United Way has set up a COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund

They will help with bills, food, rent. You can call 1-866-211-9966 and give your zip code, and will be provided with a list of local agencies to provide assistance.

Ellos ayudan a pagar recibos de utilidades, comida y renta, puedes llamar al 1-866-211-9966 y das tu codigo postal, ellos te proporcionaran una lista de agencias locales que te pueden proveer asistencia.

Filing for Unemployment

Have you lost your job or have had your hours reduced for reasons related to COVID-19 Partial wage replacement benefit payments to workers who lose their job or have their hours reduced, through no fault of their own. Please click on the link for details to see if you qualify.

Has perdido tu trabajo o te han reducido las horas de trabajo por motivos del COVID-19? Hay un beneficio de pago parcial para aquellos trabajadores que han perdido su trabajo o les han reducido sus horas, sin que sea su culpa. Por favor presione el enlace de arriba para más detalles si califica.