Volunteer Feature: Mari Ostendorf

Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? Elemental Music would not be the same without the many passionate volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to support our young musicians and our programs. This month, we’re celebrating by spotlighting some of the parents and community members who volunteer for Elemental Music and help to make our programs possible!

Today, we’re featuring Mari Ostendorf. Mari is a current Elemental Music parent and her family has been a part of our program for many years now. You may recognize her name from some of the Online Auction materials that went out earlier this year, as Mari was our 2021 Auction Chair! Mari has volunteered her time and talents in many ways over the years. Read her volunteer story below!

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Elemental Music: Tell us how you first got involved with Elemental Music.

Mari Ostendorf: It was truly by good fortune. The Prelude (beginning strings) program used to rehearse at my daughters’ elementary school auditorium once a week after school. My older daughter was in 2nd grade. We would stand at the door listening to the beautiful sounds of the violins, violas and cellos.  In the spring, they invited anyone who was interested to sit in on a rehearsal and from that moment my daughter was hooked. We signed her up for the next school year, when she would be in 3rd grade, the first year eligible to participate in this outside-of-school program. The progress we have seen over the past six years is truly remarkable. I give a lot of credit to Elemental Music for always providing encouraging remarks, teaching the value and importance of practicing to bring your very best to the entire ensemble. 

EM: What are your activities as a volunteer? 

MO: I began volunteering the way many parents do: little bits at a time. I think my first year I offered to take photos of the young musicians during rehearsals. That quickly jumped to volunteering for the three-times-a-year concerts, assisting the Board with strategic planning, and Co-Chairing and Chairing the annual Elemental Music Auction, which I did for several years. I also had the pleasure of organizing a Musical Petting Zoo for my younger daughter’s second grade class to introduce them to size-appropriate string instruments, which is what led my younger daughter to select cello as her instrument of choice. I have always found the parents of Elemental Music to be welcoming, kind, helpful and extremely generous.

EM: What inspired you to volunteer with us and what motivates you to stay involved after all of these years?

MO: I love the organization. I love everything it stands for as a non-profit. The joy and pride it brings to young musicians is invaluable, especially since they are offered the opportunity to learn an instrument one year before it is offered at our public elementary school. I continue to volunteer because I feel a special connection to the staff, teachers, and other parents. It has been a bit different this past year with the weekly rehearsals via Zoom, however the silver lining is that EVERY WEEK I am treated to TWO in-home concerts: Academy Philharmonic with my 8th grader, and Sinfonia with my 5th grader. It doesn’t get any better than that!

EM: In your opinion, what is the most important work that Elemental Music does?

MO: Encouraging young musicians! EM has a special ability to give student musicians a perfect combination of encouragement and “push” with a positive, supportive approach that makes the children want to succeed. It is so important that our kids feel supported through their years of home practice, ensemble rehearsals, concerts, and preparing for auditions. It can be a struggle. I didn’t grow up playing an instrument to any degree of proficiency, but I loved giving it my all on an old upright piano that lived in our garage. My mom would knock on the dining room wall accompanied by a cheerful “Sounds good! Keep playing!” And with that I would withstand the cold of a MN winter a little bit longer and keep attempting Music Box Dancer or The Entertainer. I try to do that for my girls - give them the encouragement to keep achieving.

EM: Do you have a story about music education and Elemental Music that really moved you?

MO: I am always surprised when my girls tell me they don’t have stage fright during concerts. They are excited to perform on stage and somehow see it in a simple form: Go on stage, do my best, bow and exit. It impresses me every time. 

EM: What do you do when you aren't volunteering with Elemental Music?

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mari witch.jpeg

MO: I also really enjoy doing “costumed reads” which is something I started when my girls were in preschool. I dress in full costume and find a children’s picture book that syncs to my character. I have been a mermaid, a scarecrow, Fancy Nancy, a Little House on the Prairie girl, etc. but my all time favorite, and the one I have done the most, is dressing at the amazing witch from Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. I had this amazing Wicked Witch of the West dress, hat and broomstick  that I had bought at Ursula’s in Santa Monica. After one family Halloween as the Wizard of Oz I didn’t have much use for it, but also didn’t want it to sit in a closet unused, so I transformed myself into the witch complete with caldron, a dog, cat, bird and frog that actually croaks (which is a hit amongst the kids) and even a cute little dragon, a wand and a ribbon to tie my braid. If you know the book - you know exactly what I am talking about! I have read in so many classrooms over the years at my children’s school as well as a couple other schools in Santa Monica. I’m quite sure I have more fun that the kids do! 

EM: What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering with our organization?

MO: Step up. Raise your hand. Offer. Just say “yes” the next time someone asks for your help. As parent volunteers we know what is already on our plate and how much more we can add to it so just be candid.  If you can take on a big project, go for it. If you prefer to work behind the scenes, that’s great! If you rock at soliciting donations for the auction, perfect!  If you have a skill that you would consider sharing, just say so. Want to organize or deliver bouquets  for the next concert, email Josephine or your ensemble director and let them know. I have found that some years I can give more hours and energy than other years, and that is just fine. Commit to what you can honestly do, push yourself a bit if you can, and then follow through. A simple formula with a great outcome!