After Encore: Henry Hernandez

The end of the school year is always bittersweet for us. It’s a time that we get to celebrate and appreciate all of the accomplishments and progress that the musicians in our program achieve throughout the year, but we also have to say goodbye to some of our students who are graduating from our programs.

This year, we are saying goodbye to graduating senior Henry Hernandez. Henry has taken Encore/Bergmann Program lessons with Elemental Music for 8 years – since he was a fifth grader! Read about Henry’s love for music, his advice for young musicians, his plans for the future, and more below!

Elemental Music: What instrument do you play and how did you first get started in music?

Henry Hernandez: I currently play clarinet, tenor saxophone, and alto saxophone. I started off in 4th grade learning only the clarinet but as I moved onto middle school I picked up the saxophones for jazz band and for the Samohi Marching Band later on.

EM: When did you first start taking lessons with Elemental Music?

HH: I first started taking lessons when I was in 5th grade, and I had my first recital performance in 6th grade.

EM: What has inspired you to keep music in your life for so long?

HH: What inspires me to keep playing music is the unlimited amount of ways I can express my thoughts and emotions through my instruments. Often I can find myself playing music that is relaxing and calming on one day, and then enjoying something more exciting and vivid the next day.

EM: What are you most thankful for about your lessons through Elemental Music?

HH: I am most thankful for the support this program has given me. I have not only grown as a musician, but as an overall person as well. Thanks to the lessons, I have learned to be more diligent, efficient, and patient with whatever I set my mind to.

EM: What is your favorite thing about being a musician?

HH: My favorite thing about being a musician is being able to create relationships with others through music. Throughout my nine years of playing music, I have got to know so many great people and have learned so much from them as well. I can definitely say that being a musician allows you to become more creative and open to new ideas.

EM: Do you have any advice for younger musicians who are just starting their musical journey?

HH: Yes, keep having fun with music. It may seem like a struggle at first, but your relationship with music will develop into something so extraordinary that you’ll thank yourself for continuing in the future. Trust me when I say I have absolutely no regrets being a musician after nine years.

EM: What are your plans for next year? Do you think you will keep music in your life?

HH: In the fall I plan on attending the University of California Davis as a Biology major in the hopes of becoming an orthopedic surgeon later on in the future. I am definitely planning on keeping music in my life during college since it has played a huge role in my life so far.

EM: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

HH: I would like to thank my parents and my instructors for supporting me throughout this incredible journey. I am truly grateful for Elemental Music, and I look forward to what the future holds.

Henry’s dedication to music is inspiring, and we know that the skills he has developed as a musician will serve him well in life as he pursues his next chapter at UC Davis. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, Henry - we can’t wait to see what is next for you!